Menopause Migraines

Menstrual headache and other migraine symptoms like persistent headache and severe headache make things difficult for women. To cure headache, migraine medications and natural headache relief methods come in handy. For more information on "menopause migraines", read Some More Type Of Migraines.

For some women, the worsening of migraine and occasionally, even the onset of migraine is seen just prior to the onset of menopause. It is characterized by hormonal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. Symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats. There are symptomatic emotional disturbances seen which lead to worsening of headaches. Once a woman is completely menopausal, she no longer has the wide fluctuations in hormones and may then experience an improvement in her headaches.

In the commonest specific treatment for menopause migraines, HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) is used, which is a replacement of estrogen. Many doctors believe that there is less risk and more benefits in replacing a certain amount of both estrogen and progestin.

If alterations in the estrogenic component of HRT are unsuccessful in improving headaches, similar alterations may be made in the progestin component, lowering dosage, switching from a progestin-like medroxyprogesterone (Provera) to norethindrone or bio-identical progesterone given orally (Prometrium) or vaginally.

Since, withdrawal of estrogens can aggravate migraine, a cautious treatment with the HRT is advised by many a headache research.