Sinusitis And Asthma |
Asthma sinusitis both are interrelated diseases. Chronic asthma can often lead to sinusitis and sinusitis can worsen existing symptoms in asthmatic patients. Sinusitis is known to aggravate the intensity and frequency of asthma attacks. People suffering from asthma are at a higher risk of developing sinusitis. These diseases are interrelated in terms of the symptoms and conditions that trigger their onset. Both asthma and sinusitis represent disorders in individuals, where due to certain conditions, a patient is unable to breathe properly and as a result experiences a feeling of constriction while breathing. Asthma sinusitis is characterized by inflammation, constriction in the lungs or nasal region leading to difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing and a thickening of nasal mucus. In fact, sinusitis refers to a medical condition associated with inflammation of the sinuses caused due to bacterial, viral or fungal infections, such as outlined above. Acute sinusitis and asthma are often closely associated with comorbidity. Now days, asthma and sinusitis are considered manifestations of the same disease. In many cases, patients suffering from bronchial asthma also manifest symptoms associated with sinusitis. As both these diseases are interrelated and in many cases, inter-dependent, it becomes important to treat both the conditions simultaneously. Back in 1940s and 1950s, sinus surgery was performed to help asthmatic patients. With the advances in medical sciences, several new techniques such as inhalers, drugs and antibiotics, decongestants and corticosteroids are available to treat asthma sinusitis. Proper and systematic treatment of sinusitis is important to treat cases of chronic asthma. Timely and accurate diagnosis is important in controlling and permanently treating these conditions.
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