Are you coughing, sneezing, feeling tired and achy? Do
you have that bad headache as well? Don't worry there is nothing much to
worry about, it's just that you are suffering from sinus infection.
Sinus is basically an inflammation in the nasal passage. The above
mentioned symptoms are not the only ones that indicate your sinus
condition. If you are suffering from sinus, you may have different types
of headaches as well, like tension headache, cough headache, eye strain
headache, sore throat headache, blurred vision headache. You may also
suffer from headache nausea.
To get rid of headache, you need to look
for some headache medicine and for some natural headache relief as well.
Your sinus headache treatment may involve medicines or be done solely
through sinus infection home remedies available. To know more about the reasons that
cause sinus and how to treat sinus infection at home, read.
When you start the treatment, you can use a humidifier which will
keep the sinuses from drying. Take plenty of rest and drink lots of
water to remain hydrated. Quit smoking and avoid smoke stuffed areas.
Avoid self-medication. Some antibiotics can clear sinus infection. You
may try them. Cleansing and comfort measures will speed up the healing
process. You may also go for some herbs like feverfew and passion
flower. They, too, are quite beneficial. Try these sinus infection home
remedies, they will surely help you.