Headaches Caused Due To Brain Infections

Meningitis is the inflammation of the coverings of the brain which are known as meninges. Viral meningitis is sometimes also referred to as aseptic meningitis. Rarely, meningitis may also be caused by certain medications which cause inflammation of the meninges.

The bacteria and viruses causing meningitis are fairly common and can be found to affect any part of the body from where they can then travel to the meninges. Most commonly, they come from the respiratory tract.

It is the viral meningitis which is more common than bacterial meningitis but the latter is more dangerous as it can cause potentially life-threatening symptoms. In fact, bacterial meningitis can affect teenagers, college students and also newborns. The symptoms of viral meningitis are often confused with those of the common flu. It can occur in people of all ages although it is more common in children.

Also people who have weak immune systems or who haven't received proper immunization for common bacterial and viral infections are more at risk of developing meningitis.

The prevention for meningitis includes taking all the vaccines and protecting yourself from bacteria and viruses as much as possible by maintaining hygiene. Maintaining hygiene can be as simple as washing your hands properly before and after meals and after you visit the wash room. Avoid close contact with someone who is obviously ill and do not share your personal belongings with infected people to avoid the spread of germs.

Encephalitis can be caused due to a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Although it is categorized as a life-threatening condition, yet proper medications are available which have proven to be highly effective.

There may be many symptoms associated with encephalitis, headache being just on of them. But the headache might be extremely severe, at times, lasting even after other signs might have resolved themselves once the treatment is over.

The symptoms of encephalitis include sudden fever, headache, vomiting, heightened sensitivity to light, stiff neck and back, confusion and impaired judgment, drowsiness, weak muscles and irritability. Some symptoms that require immediate attention are loss of consciousness, seizures, muscle weakness or sudden and severe dementia.

The treatment usually requires hospitalization. When it is a mild case, a full recovery may be expected. But in severe cases, impairment of senses or even death may occur. The acute phase lasts for 1-2 weeks and the symptoms resolve themselves gradually. But full recovery may require many months.

Treatments include antiviral medications for viral infections, antibiotics for bacterial infections, anticonvulsants for seizures, corticosteroids to reduce brain swelling and inflammation and sedatives for restlessness.