What Differentiates Migraine Aura from Headache? |
Migraine aura is a disorder which recurs over the time. Auras are usually related to sight but can also be motor, verbal or sensory disturbances. A visual aura resembles a chemical or electrical wave that moves across the brain's visual cortex. Visual cortex is that part of the brain that processes visual signals. As this wave spreads, the patient tends to experience visual hallucinations. It develops gradually over 5-20 minutes and lasts for less than 60 minutes. This is followed by headache with migraine symptoms. Sometimes headache lacks the features of migraine or is completely absent, though it is not common. This condition is known as migraine aura without headache. The aura occurs because of the changes that take place in the outer layer of the brain, that is, the cortex. The decline in the activity of the nerve cell is responsible for the typical pattern of development of the aura. Migraines may progress through four stages:
It is not necessary that everyone has to undergo all the four stages. About 60% of the patients go through the stage of predrome. About 20 percent of the people experience a distinct warning sign in the second phase called the migraine aura. Auras can vary from person to person. People may experience bright spots or flashes. A sensory aura also occurs in some cases. Sensory aura starts as numbness or a tingling effect in one limb for over 10-20 minutes. This sensation sometimes spread to one side of the face and the tongue. These internal and external events stimulate the various nerves of the brain. This stimulus is then relayed to one of the brain's nerve centers. From there, another set of nerve impulses are sent to the cortex which results in the aura. The biochemical phenomenon that leads to headache also begins in these brain centers. Related Articles |