Vascular Headache Is Painful And Burning In Nature! |
A vascular headache can be of different types but there are two types that are more common amongst the people. The first one is toxic headache; this headache is usually created by fever which always carries symptoms like pneumonia, mumps, tonsillitis and measles. Apart from these symptoms, you may also have the feelings of foreign chemical in the body. The other type of vascular headache carries cluster headache and simple headache which is caused due to rise in blood pressure. Migraine is also very common form of vascular headache which is caused by abnormalities of blood vessels. It is usually described by three symptoms; first nausea or vomiting, second is severe pain either on one side or both side of the head while the last or third symptom is characterized as bothered vision and intolerance to light. Sometimes, the symptoms of migraine headache may be similar to other symptoms. Therefore, it is advisable to always consult your doctor before taking medication for vascular headache. The vascular headaches are painful and burning in nature, so, the complete rest is advisable and physical labor can increase the level of your pain further. Related Articles |