Treatments For Headache Relief: Inderal For Headache Relief |
Inderal for headache—how does it work? Inderal does two important functions in its effort to control headache. It reduces the heart rate and lowers the blood pressure. How this is done? It is a beta-blocker medication which blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system. As a natural corollary, blood pressure and heart rate are checked. Rightly, therefore beta blocker drugs like Inderalk are used in the treatment of high blood pressure. Some studies have also shown that they also have a role to play in preventing the migraine attacks. Migraine is one of the severe forms if headaches! But, certain side effect are cited. They are dizziness, changes in the mood of an individual, trouble with sleep, plus those who have asthma are likely to suffer more! A local medicine is believed to the job of Inderal, but without any side effects. Bishop's weed (Ajwain): The seeds are useful in the treatment of migraine and delerium. They should either be smoked or sniffed frequently to obtain relief. Related Articles |