All about Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Headache |
What is Cerebral Venous Thrombosis? This headache is a result of the formation of clots in the blood vessels. These vessels can be almost all types of vessels, be it arteries or veins. Formation of a clot inside them causes the blood pressure to increase which then results in a headache. The resulting thrombosis could be of different types, depending upon the location of the clot in our body. There are occasions when the clot formed is no longer localised but has moved to another part of the body, blocking another artery or vein. Called thromoebolism, this situation can be pretty dangerous. It can either cause a stroke or death, depending upon where the clot is located. The only heartening factor about this headache is that it is very rare. Hence, people need not unnecessarily worry themselves to death about whether their headache is Cerebral Venous Thrombosis or not. The only way to determine whether your headache is Cerebral Venous Thrombosis or not, is through systematic elimination of all other known causes. Hence, whenever you experience a headache whose severity was unprecedented or which takes a long time to subside, know that it is time to meet the doctor. A thorough diagnosis would eliminate other possibilities and help to zero in on the right cause. Know that things might go wrong if you are experiencing a headache which is increasingly becoming worse. Other accompanying symptoms such as seizures or blurry vision might also point to a more serious underlying cause of the headache. If a swelling of the optic nerve (papilledema) is observed then it becomes easy to establish Cerebral Venous Thrombosis. Further testing can be done only if there is need to eliminate the possibility of other serious causes of this headache. On occasions different types of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis can be easily mistaken for any of the innumerable neurological diseases. Hence, thorough diagnosis is a must. Treatment for Cerebral Venous Thrombosis It seems that the best way to deal with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis is by dealing with its causes. As you know it by now, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) is caused by formation of clots in our blood vessels. Hence, CVT can be avoided by taking anticoagulants (also known as blood thinners) and/or vasodilators (drugs which help widen blood vessels). Steroids and vitamins can also be taken to suppress formation of blood clots. Related Articles