Know Your Pain
Ice cream headache or brain freeze
When a gush of cold foodstuff touches the roof of the mouth, it causes the ubiquitous ice cream headache. It's more common than you thought; as much as one in every three people regularly experience it!
What are Cough Headaches? An Overview
Coughing hard can sometimes lead to a headache. Although it is a rare type of headache, about one in a hundred people experience this kind of a headache sometime in life.
Spinal Headache and its Treatment
Spinal headache is the type of headache that worsens on standing and lessens on lying down. It results from loss of pressure in the skull due to a leak of cerebrospinal fluid.
Sex Headaches- Causes and Its Treatment
Headaches which accompany orgasmic moments during sexual intercourse are termed as sex headaches. Though in rare cases, these can be a result of a medical complication.
Exertional Headache
If you get a headache during or after exercise, you are not alone. 1 in every 100 people get such pain. It is called exertional headache. You might even feel similar pain during sexual activity.
Zoloft and Prozac Headache
The widely used antidepressants Zoloft and Prozac are known to cause headache in some patients. A drug reaction called 'serotonin syndrome' is behind this effect.
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