Be Careful About What You Expose Yourself To |
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The symptoms in this case range from
tightness to pressure in the head, face and the chest, and perspiration.
One way to minimize the reaction is by having a cup of complex
carbohydrates in the form of rice or pasta before the meal.
Many people are addicted to their daily dose of caffeine, a
stimulant, found in tea, coffee, colas and also in some products, in
which it occurs naturally.
Interestingly, there is a paradoxical
phenomenon known as caffeine rebound according to which excess of
caffeine can lead to headaches, whereas the recommended dose can lead to
relief from the same. That is why it is an important component in many
pain-relief medications especially those used for migraine.
Alcohol is a very common culprit leading to intense headaches. A
hangover is not uncommon either. It is actually the ethanol found in
alcohol that is the real culprit. Firstly, because it is a vasodilator
so it may cause headaches in certain patients. Moreover, it is also a
diuretic. So it leads to draining of the essential vitamins, minerals
and salts from the body.
Apart from ethanol, congeners, which
impart a specific taste to the alcoholic beverages, can also be a cause
of headaches.
Apart from the above mentioned factors there can be
several others that lead to a headache. For example, in some people eggs
trigger headaches, in some stress acts as a trigger, and in others,
their postures might trigger headaches. The key is to, however, stay
away from the triggers as much as possible.